Saturday 28 February 2015

How to Overclock Your Graphics Card

Many PC gamers eagerly await the release of next-generation graphics cards, hoping that the new hardware will boost frame rates and enhance eye candy in the latest games. However, while a graphics card upgrade is almost always a good way to increase game performance or improve image quality, new cards tend to be expensive--and they aren’t always necessary.

Today, even midrange graphics cards are generally fast enough to pump out buttery-smooth frame rates in cutting-edge games at all but the highest resolutions. If your current graphics card is serving you well, and you’re just looking for a little something extra to increase performance, overclocking may be the better way to go. And it will certainly be more affordable.

Why Overclock?

In its early days, overclocking may have been a black art reserved for the most hard-core computer geeks, but nowadays it’s about as easy as can be, and it’s usually safe too. Yes, overclocking a component can shorten its life span. But if you don’t push things too far, and if you keep temperatures under control, you have little reason to worry.

You’ll want to make sure that your system has adequate cooling and a power supply that’s sufficient for handling an overclocked card. Modern graphics cards typically have thermally controlled fans that will spin faster to better dissipate heat from the overclocked board. The card may become somewhat noisy as a result, but if the overclock remains stable and the graphics card’s cooler can keep up, you should be good to go.

Both AMD and Nvidia (the big two graphics-card makers) have built overclocking tools into their drivers. AMD’s are readily available (on supported cards) in the AMD Overdrive tab, listed in the Performance section of the company’s Catalyst Control Center software suite. Nvidia’s overclocking tools aren’t exposed by default in its GeForce drivers, but installing its System Tools utility will make them available. You’ll need to grab the Systems Tools utility from the Nvidia website; once you've installed the utility, frequency controls will be visible in the performance and tuning section of the GeForce driver.

Disregarding software/driver optimizations, game engine tweaks, and system interface speeds, the performance of a graphics card is typically determined by the compute speed and fillrate of its graphics processing unit, as well as by the amount of memory bandwidth its frame buffer memory affords. (The amount of frame buffer memory on the card can also come into play as resolutions and texture sizes increase, but that’s a discussion for a different article.) By increasing the frequencies of the GPU and the frame buffer memory on your graphics card, you can make them process and move more data, more quickly, increasing overall performance.

How to Overclock ?

Overclocking a graphics card is a fairly straightforward process. All you need is a working and properly configured graphics card, and a few of your favorite games or a benchmark like Futuremark 3DMark 11 to test stability. For the purposes of this article, we used a brand-new AMD Radeon HD 7950 installed in a high-end, Intel-powered test rig running Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit).
Before you begin overclocking, install the latest drivers for your graphics card (and Nvidia’s System Tools if necessary), and play a few games to ensure that the system is stable. If all is working well, restart the system, open the graphics card’s control panel, and navigate to the overclocking or frequency control section; we used the Overdrive tab built into AMD’s drivers.

First, enable Overdrive by ticking the necessary box, and max out the power control settings to eliminate any power-related frequency restrictions. Next, increase the GPU frequency by moving the appropriate slider by a few MHz at a time, and apply the settings. Then, play a game or loop a benchmark to test stability.

For example, our Radeon HD 7950’s GPU was clocked at 800MHz by default. We started by moving the GPU clock settings slider in 10MHz increments, until our test system became unstable. That is, once we encountered any visual anomalies, or a game or the system crashed, we turned the GPU frequency back down by 10MHz and tested for stability again. Ultimately we settled on a stable GPU frequency of 1000MHz--an increase of 200MHz over stock.

With our peak GPU frequency known, we set it back to its default clock speed and then focused on the graphics card’s memory. By default, the Radeon HD 7950’s memory is clocked at 1250MHz. We used the same procedure of increasing the memory frequency by 10MHz at a time, testing stability each step of the way. In the end we achieved a stable memory frequency of 1500MHz.

We recommend overclocking the GPU and memory individually to isolate any instability that the tweaks may introduce to that particular component. Once you know the peak frequency for both, set the GPU and memory to those speeds simultaneously and test for stability once more. If all is well, enjoy your newfound performance. If not, back the frequencies down a bit further for both, and test the graphics card again. I must also point out that some graphics cards may remain stable while overclocked, but offer lower performance when running at higher frequencies due to thermal or power throttling. If your system remains stable but the performance degrades while you're overclocking, reduce the GPU and memory frequencies until performance begins to scale properly.

How to make your Desktop Icons Transparent:-

Hello guys. New interesting and funny tricks for your computer.

today I am going to show you how to make your desktop Icon transparent. So follow the below Steps…

1)First of all go to Control Panel

2)In Control Panel open System

3)Now in that System Properties go to “Advance“ Tab.

4)In Performance area click on Settings

5)Now in Performance Option window Check “Use drop shadows for icon labels on the Desktop” from the list below custom; then Click on Apply and then OK.


Thank You.

Facebook Hacking Course

Facebook Hacking Course you shocked? Well, many irritated hacking pseudo-experts asked me such a question.

Thanks to the media, the word “hacker” has gotten a bad reputation. The word summons up thoughts of malicious computer users finding new ways to pharass people, defraud corporations, steal information and maybe even destroy the economy or start a war by infiltrating military computer systems. While there’s no denying that there are hackers out there with bad intentions, they make up only a small percentage of the hacker community.

This is the picture of a hacker. Fortunately, it's the one created by the media. Considering the definition above, this course should be entitled "Anti Facebook Hacking Course", as it has nothing to do with the media nonsense. Let me explain you why.

What is this Facebook Hacking Course really about?

Facebook Hacking Course basically contains series of videos which will tell you exactly how hackers hack facebook accounts, what methods they use and how you can avoid falling for these kinds of attacks. The course contains Video Modules parts which will tell you about Facebook hacking and security and with each part there is a lab where you can practice what you learned.

The author of this course is Rafay Baloch, an expert into the field of hacking. His Facebook Hacking Course contains:

The exact techniques which hackers use to hack facebook accounts.

Security tips to protect your facebook account from getting hacked.

Protecting your Privacy

And the best part of this course is that he has made it in such a manner that even a 5th grade kid can understand it and learn how to hack facebook account.

With my experience of over 3 years in the field of ethical hacking and security, all I can tell you is that this course contains everything a beginner needs to learn how to hack facebook, and to educate the Internet users to be aware of the common scams and frauds and stay away from them. This course does not demand any prior knowledge about Hacking.

By buying this Facebook Hacking Course you will get the following bonus:

1. Secret Anonymizing Techniques

This section will contain 2 bonus videos which will tell you the exact methods used by hackers to hide their identity while doing malicious things online.

2. Direct Email Access and Support
If you get stuck or don't understand any thing presented in the course, there is 24/7 support to help you no longer how much time it takes. However this offer is for limited time only.
Click Here to Download Facebook Hacking Course

Friday 27 February 2015

What is RAT? ( Remote Access Trojan or Remote Administration Tool )

RAT stands for Remote Access Trojan or Remote Administration Tool. It is one of the most dangerous virus out their over the internet. Hacker can use RAT to get complete control to your computer. He can do basically anything with your computer. Using RAT hacker can install keylogger and other malicious viruses remotely to your computer, infect files on your system and more. In this post i will tell you about what hacker can do with your computer using RAT and tell you about some commonly use RAT by hackers.

What is RAT ?

As i have told you in my introduction paragraph RAT is Remote Access trojan. It is a peace of software or program which hacker uses to get complete control of your computer. It can be send to you in form of images, videos or any other files. Their are some RAT that even your antivirus software can not detect.  So always be sure about what you are downloading from the internet and never save or download files that anonymous user send you  over the mail or in chat room.

What You Can do With RAT ?

Once a RAT is installed on any computer hacker can do almost anything with that computer. Some malicious task that you can do with RAT are listed below:
Infecting Files
Installing Keyloggers
Controlling Computer
Remotely start webcam, sounds, movies etc
Using your PC to attack Website (DDOS)
View Screen
Harmless RAT or Good RAT

As you have seen how harmfull RAT are for your computer, but their are some good RAT which some of you might be using daily. You might have heard of TeamViewer, it is a software which you use to control some one's computer with his permission for file transfer, sharing your screen and more.

Some Commonly Used RAT

CyberGate RAT
DarkComet RAT


HTTP/2 (originally named HTTP/2.0) is the second major version of the HTTP network protocol used by the World Wide Web. It is based on SPDY. HTTP/2 is being developed by the Hypertext Transfer Protocol working group (httpbis, where bis means "repeat" or "twice") of the Internet Engineering Task Force. HTTP/2 would be the first new version of HTTP since HTTP 1.1, which was standardized in RFC 2616 in 1999. The Working Group presented HTTP/2 to IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard in December 2014, and IESG approved it to publish as Proposed Standard on Feb 17, 2015.
The standardization effort came as an answer to SPDY, an HTTP-compatible protocol developed by Google[7] and supported in Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer 11, Safari, and Amazon Silk browsers.
The working group charter mentions several goals and issues of concern:
1. Negotiation mechanism that allows clients and servers to elect to use HTTP 1.1, 2.0, or potentially other non-HTTP protocols.
2. Maintain high-level compatibility with HTTP 1.1 (for example with methods, status codes, and URIs, and most header fields)
Decrease latency to improve page load speed in web browsers by considering:
1. Data compression of HTTP headers
2. Server push technologies
3. Fixing the head-of-line blocking problem in HTTP 1
4. Loading page elements in parallel over a single TCP connection
5. Support common existing use cases of HTTP, such as desktop web browsers, mobile web browsers, web APIs, web servers at various scales, proxy servers, reverse proxy servers, firewalls, and content delivery networks
Different from HTTP 1.1
The proposed changes do not require any changes to how existing web applications work, but new applications can take advantage of new features for increased speed.
HTTP/2 leaves most of HTTP 1.1's high level syntax, such as methods, status codes, header fields, and URIs, the same. The element that is modified is how the data is framed and transported between the client and the server.
Websites that are efficient minimize the number of requests required to render an entire page by minifying (reducing the amount of code and packing smaller pieces of code into bundles, without reducing its ability to function) resources such as images and scripts. However, minification is not necessarily convenient nor efficient, and may still require separate HTTP connections to get the page and the minified resources. HTTP/2 allows the server to "push" content, that is, to respond with data for more queries than the client requested. This allows the server to supply data it knows a web browser will need to render a web page, without waiting for the browser to examine the first response, and without the overhead of an additional request cycle.
Additional performance improvements in the first draft of HTTP/2 (which was a copy of SPDY) come from multiplexing of requests and responses to avoid the head-of-line blocking problem in HTTP 1 (even when HTTP pipelining is used), header compression, and prioritization of requests.
Genesis in and later differences from SPDY
SPDY (pronounced speedy) is a research project spearheaded by Google that is also an applicable protocol, designed for the transportation of information and other content on the web. SPDY primarily focuses on reducing latency. SPDY uses the same TCP pipe but different protocols to accomplish this reduction. The basic changes made to HTTP 1.1 to create SPDY include: "true request pipelining without FIFO restrictions, message framing mechanism to simplify client and server development, mandatory compression (including headers), priority scheduling, and even bi-directional communication".
The httpbis working group considered Google's  SPDY protocol, Microsoft's HTTP Speed+Mobility proposal (SPDY based), and Network-Friendly HTTP Upgrade. In July 2012 Facebook provided feedback on each of the proposals and recommended HTTP/2 be based on SPDY. The initial draft of HTTP/2 was published in November 2012 and is based on a straight copy of SPDY.
The biggest difference between HTTP and SPDY, is that each user action in SPDY is given a "stream ID", meaning there is a single TCP channel connecting the user to the server. SPDY splits requests into either control or data, which is a “parse binary protocol with two types of "frames". SPDY has shown evident improvement from HTTP, with a new page load speedup ranging from 11.81% to 47.7%.
HTTP/2 uses SPDY as a jumping-off point; though SPDY is an improvement on HTTP 1.1, it does have some limitations. SPDY communicates separately with each host, which means that multiplexing happens only at one host at a time, no matter how many connections are open. This means that SPDY can only download things from one host at a time. The improvement HTTP/2 makes on this is that it allows multiplexing to happen at different hosts at the same time. This makes downloading multiple web pages or content from the Internet significantly faster.
HTTP/2 also uses a fixed Huffman code-based header compression algorithm, instead of SPDY's dynamic stream-based compression. This helps to reduce the potential for attacks on the protocol.
On February 9, 2015, Google announced plans to remove support for SPDY in Chrome by early 2016, in favor of support for HTTP/2, starting with Chrome 40.
HTTP/2 is defined for both HTTP URIs (for now in the clear) and for HTTPS URIs (over TLS, where TLS 1.2 or newer is required). Some implementations, such as Firefox, have stated that they will only support HTTP/2 when it is used over an encrypted connection.
As of the January 2015 last call, the HTTP/2 protocol is being criticised for not supporting opportunistic encryption, a feature like STARTTLS that has long been available in other internet protocols like SMTP. Poul-Henning Kamp, lead developer of varnish HTTP accelerator and a senior FreeBSD kernel developer, has criticised IETF for following a particular political agenda with HTTP/2.  It has also been pointed out that the HTTP/2 proposal goes in violation of IETF's own RFC7258 "Pervasive Monitoring Is an Attack", which also has a status of Best Current Practice 188. RFC7258/BCP188 mandates that passive monitoring be considered as an attack, and protocols designed by IETF should take steps to protect against passive monitoring (for example, through the use of opportunistic encryption). A number of specifications for opportunistic encryption of HTTP/2 have been provided, of which draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-encryption-01 is an official work item of the working group.
The criticism of the agenda of mandatory encryption within the existing certificate framework (as opposed to opportunistic encryption) is not new, nor is it unique to members of the open-source community – a Cisco employee pointed out in 2013 that the present certificate model is not compatible with small devices like the routers, because the present model requires not only annual enrollment and remission of non-trivial fees for each certificate, but must be continually repeated on an annual basis. It is noteworthy that even though the mandatory encryption that has been criticized by an agent of the industry leader in 2013 has not been made mandatory as part of the standard, as of early 2015 the agenda has nonetheless been carried over by the leading browser makers, who have thus far refused to implement HTTP/2 without encryption.
Browser support
Chrome supports HTTP/2, but it is not enabled by default. To turn on HTTP/2 support, a command line flag "--enable-spdy4" needs to be specified when launching Chrome. Currently only HTTP/2 over TLS is implemented. As of February 2015, Google plans to fully implement HTTP/2 in future versions of its Chrome browser, effectively dumping support for SPDY.
Firefox supports HTTP/2 which has been enabled by default since version 36. Experimental support for HTTP/2 was originally added in version 34. Currently only HTTP/2 over TLS is implemented.
Internet Explorer supports HTTP/2 in version 11, but only for Windows 10 beta, and is enabled by default. Currently only HTTP/2 over TLS is implemented.
HTTP/HTTPS servers
IIS supports HTTP/2 in Windows 10 beta
OpenLiteSpeed 1.3.8 and 1.4.5 support HTTP/2 draft 17
SPDY, but no HTTP/2
Apache provides support for SPDY via the mod_spdy module
LiteSpeed Web Server currently supports SPDY/3.1
nginx provides experimental support for SPDY (Draft 3.1) via a module

Thursday 26 February 2015

Trick To Find User Surname Of Any Reliance Mobile Number

While searching on web for finding details of user of particular mobile number, I came across a website that can help you to get little information about that user. In this tutorial i will teach you to find surname of Reliance mobile number user in few simple steps. Basically this website is for recharge but it helps you to get information about user of that mobile number. So lets dive into it.

   1. Go to this  Website
   2. Enter Mobile Number in Reliance Subscriber Number.
   3. Email address is optional so you don't need to enter.
   4. Done!!!

Awesome VLC Media Player Trick

In this tutorial i will share a simple trick yet interesting trick i came across while surfing on the internet. I will call it VLC Inception trick. This trick is simple and works on windows xp as well as windows 7. If you know this trick then its great if you don't then lets dive into it.
How To Do This Trick ?

Open Vlc Media Player.
Then Press Cltr + N

Now Type "Screen://" (without quotes)

Click on Play and watch this simple little trick.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Setting Video As Desktop Wallpaper

Ever wanted to set cool videos as your computers Desktop Wallpaper, then you came to right place. Today in this post i will teach you how to set videos as your Desktop Wallpaper with a simple nice little trick and small tool or software that mostly every one has installed on their computer or laptop. This trick works on  Windows Xp as well as it works on windows 7. Go through below post to learn this simple trick.

How to set video as desktop wallpaper ?
   1. Open VLC Media Player. If you don't have it download it frome Here.

   2. Then Go to Tools > Preference Or press CTRL + P and Selecet Video from left panel

   3. Then Choose DirectX video output from output dropdown list
      as shown in below image .

   4. Save the changes ans restart VLC Media Player.

   5. Play any video you would like to set as your desktop wallpaper.

   6. Then click on Video and select DirectX Wallpaper from the dropdown list as show in below image.

   7. Now Minimize vlc player and you will see your video running on your desktop as wallpaper.

   8. If you want your default wallpaper back then uncheck DirectX Wallpaper from video dropdown list.

   9. Hope you like this simple trick share your thought about this trick in comment section.

How To Install Backtrack 5 On Virtual Machine ?

If you want to experience and experiment with backtrack 5 hacking tools such as kismet, metasploit etc. Then today i am going to show you how you can install and run Backtrack 5 Operating System inside a virtual machine(VirtualBox). It works on all computers running any operating system such as Windows Xp, Windows 7, Or Mac Os X. So  lets get stared installing backtrack 5 on your operating system.

Downloading Softwares to install Backtrack on Virtual Box

1. First you will need Virtual Machine to run Backtrack 5 which you can Download From VirtualBox Website. After downloading VirtualBox Install the program. Installing VirtualBox is really simple like any other program you install on your computer.

2. Then you will need Backtrack 5 .iso file which you can download from Here with below configuration. You can download it directly or via torrent thats your choice.

Getting started installing Backtrack 5 on Virtual Box

1. Open VirtualBox and Click on New. Then a popup box will appear in that write Name as backtrack, Type as Linux and Version as Ubuntu as shown in below picture and click on Next.

2. Next allocate memory to your virtual machine. I usually allocate half the ram i have which is 2GB of 4GB as shown below and click Next.

3. Then choose second option Create Virtual Hard Drive Now from three options and then click on Next.
4. Then Choose VDI(Virtual Disk Image) From all the options and click Next.

5. Now to options will come to allocate size on Hard Drive from that choose Dynamically Allocated and click Next

6. Then leave name as it is and allocate the size to arround 15-20GB and click Create.

7. Now you will have your virtual machine on left. To start it double click the virtual machine. As you running it for the first time you need to configure it.

8. Navigate to the Backtrack 5 .iso file we downloaded by clicking on button i highlighted in red in below image and select it and click on start.

9. After clicking on start click Enter and leave the setting as it is and press Enter again.

10. Now it will ask for command so type startx and press Enter and it will load user interface of backtrack.

11. Click on Install Backtrack icon from desktop and it will open installation window. Now leave language to English and click on Forward. It will now ask for location, Enter your location and press Forward.

12. On Step 3,4,5,6 you don't need to do anything just click on Forward and on step 7 Click on Install. It will take couple of minutes and you will have backtrack 5 install on your computer.

13. Now will need to enter username and password to enter backtrack, the default username for backtrack is root and password is too. You can use password command to change your password.

14. Done you now have Backtrack 5 running on your virtual machine.

Cool Services To Enhance Your Email Experience And Boost Productivity

In today's world, the most common means of communication used over the internet has to be the E-Mail service because of its high usage in the corporate section. However, owing to the several subscriptions and spam mails, an email inbox is pretty much hard to read and finding a particular message in it may even take a day. Your inbox therefore seems like a trash can with the most important items at the bottom. But, you can effectively manipulate that trash can and get useful info out of it using some cool email application available. Instead of wasting your time trying to sort out your inbox, let's take a look at some services that can do the job for you.

What mostly fills up your inbox are the online websites you subscribed to and the spammer dudes. The former is easy to handle but the latter is just tasked with making your life worse. With 9999+ unread emails in your inbox, you can see how impossible will it be to look for a particular one especially where the search feature also doesn't work well. Today, we'll take a look at some cool email services that will not only sort out your inbox neatly but will also be helpful to you otherwise. The list isn't sorted.

1. NutshellMail

NutshellMail from Constant Contact is a tool that lets you effectively deal with your social media networks updates. You can say goodbye to the thousands of email updates you receive from Facebook, Twitter, LinkesIn, etc. every day because NutshellMail can keep you informed about them using a simgle message only. NutshellMail summarizes the several updates and keeps you informed about the major occurring events. The In-A-Nutshell version not only tells you what you needed, but also saves a lot of your time.

2. is an online tool that knows its way around the subscription emails. It would effectively scan your inbox and combine the several messages from your subscribers into one mail that you can read or ignore. The good thing is, you can also delete all the unwanted emails using a single click. also gives you the option to unsubscribe from the various online services you subscribed to. All in all, your inbox would just contain the important emails after having a session with It only however supports Gmail and Yahoo Mail.

3. SaneBox

SaneBox, the online paid tool would analyze each email and determine its importance based on your past interaction with the sender and then would sort out the unimportant ones and move them from the inbox to a new folder named the SaneLater and provide a digest of all those mails. It also helps you to managing your email attachments via cloud services. You can unsubscribe from any service you want by a single click. You get the service at a price of $2.04 per month while a free 14-day trial is also available. It supports all the major email platforms.

4. Mailstrom

Mailstrom works with all the major email platforms and helps you to get rid of the junk mail using artificial intelligence techniques that identify the spam and unwanted mails. It would then allow you to archive or delete the junk in bulk and clean your inbox in no time. Mailstrom also lets you unsubscribe from various online sources and helps you sort the incoming messages based upon several parameters. You can also add multiple email accounts and hence receive and manage all the junk from one place.

5. AwayFind

AwayFind doesn't really clear up your email inbox from the junk but helps you to grab the important mails out of it using notifications. You can add an email account and set certain notifications criteria and AwayFind will notify you whenever a enw mails arrives that satisfies that criteria. Thus, the need to regularly check your inbox for your important mail is gone since you'll be notified when its there. It can notify you via SMS, Twitter, IM tools or through its iOS/Android app. The service is free for one email account but you need t

Simple Trick To Convert A Webpage To PDF File

In this post i will teach a simple trick or browser feature that let you convert any web page into PSD file format, which might help you to read your favourite articles offline. So lets get started.

How To Save Web Page To PDF File ?
1. Open the Google Chrome Browser on your PC or MAC
2. Then go to the web page that you want to convert as a PDF.
3. Now press Ctrl+P on Windows PC or Command+P if you are on a Mac to Open the the Print dialog on Chrome Browser.
4. Now Change the destination to “Save As PDF” and hit the save button.
5. The current web page will instantly be downloaded as a PDF document.

Learn To Hide Files Behind The Images

There are some important  files or document you want to hide from others on your computer. To do that you might be creating folder inside folder to hide such files but in todays tutorial i will change this by teaching you a interesting trick to hide files behind images.To hide a file behind a image  means that if any one opens that image he will see the image, but to see the hidden file we need to open that image in a specific way. So lets get started.

How To Hide File Behind Image ?
In order to do this you should have basic understanding of command line.

1. Select an image to be used for hiding file behind the image.

2. Now select a file to hide behind the image and make it in .RAR format. With the help of the WinRAR.

3. And most important is that paste both the files on desktop. You may do this anywhere instead of desktop if you have some basic understanding of command line.

4. Now open cmd by going to Start > Accessories > Command Prompt and type following commands in it.
cd desktop

5. CD stands for change directory by typing above command you change your directory to desktop. After that type command given below.
Copy /b imagename.jpg + filename.rar finalimage.jpg

Replace imagename.jpg with the name of image you want your file to be hidden behind. Don't forget to add image format (Eg: .jpg,.png,.gif)
Replace filename with name of your file you want to hide. It must be in .rar format.
Finally Replace finalimage.jpg with whatever name you want your final image with hidden files should be. This is the image where your file will be hidden.

6. Now when you will try to open this newly created image it will open as normal image, but to open you hidden file you need follow steps given below.
How To Access Hidden File ?
To access your hidden file you need to open the newly created image in winrar. Just follow simple steps given below to do that.

    1. Open winrar
    2. Now locate your image and open it or simply drag your image in winrar.
    3. Extract the file and done.

Hacking Window 7 Password Using Ophcrack

In this tutorial i will teach you to hack Window 7 password using free open source software called ophcrack. This hack also works on Windows XP and Windows Vista. So let get started.

What Is Ophcrack ?
Opcrack is an open source windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It comes with Graphical user interface(GUI) and runs on multiple platform such windows, linux and mac.  It allows you to recover or hack windows password.
How To Crack Windows 7 Password Using Ophcrack ?
Before you start doing this you will need a blank CD or DVD to burn the live image of ophcrack.

  1. Download Opcrack Live Cd by Clicking Here.
  2. Download windows xp or windows 7 live cd depending on platform you are wishing to hack. For example:
Windows 7 or Windows Vista: Click on ophcrack Vista/7 LiveCD.
Windows XP: Click on ophcrack XP LiveCD.

  2. Now burn the live image on to the cd.

  3. Insert the disc into drive and restart you computer.

  4. If everything goes right you will see screen like below.

  5. After you see screen like above wait for ophcrack to boot automatically or you may press Enter to advance.

  6. Now you will see several lines of code printed on screen or they might disappear very quickly (you dont need to worry about that).

  7. Then you will see screen like below it is ophcrack password recovering software. At the Ophcrack screen it shows the Administrator and Guest account. Notice the word “empty”. This means that if the account is enabled you could log in without a password.

  8. Ophcrack WILL NOT CRACK THE PASSWORD because the hash table which it needs is not available for free. But it does show the NTLM hash.

  9. Copy this hash value which is under NT Hash field.

10. Navigate to which is an online hash cracking tool.

11. Type in the hash value you copied down in Step 9, Enter the captche and click on Crack Hashes.

Downloading Torrent Using Internet Download Manager

Hello friends, today i will show you the way to download torrents with Internet Download Manager. Torrent is tiny file with .torrent extension which allows you to download huge amount of data. We use torrents to download various stuffs like movies, games, software package and plenty of different things. you'll transfer torrents from several website.  The transfer speed for torrents depends on seeds it has. It will make difficult for you to download files with very low or no seed counts. However with the assistance of this trick you'll be able to download torrent file with IDM. This tool can be really helpfull when you want to download file that has very low seeds. IDM is the quickest file transfer manager on the internet market. So lets begin!

How To Transfer Torrent With IDM
1. First download the torrent file with .torrent extension which you wish to download from the internet directly without any torrent client like utorrent.

2. Now open and you will land on its homepage.
3. Then Click on upload Torrent and browse your torrent to transfer and click on Go.
4. Then it will ask you for Free or Premium service, choose Free to proceed further.
5. It will take some time to cache your file. Once the caching is done, click on transfer button to download your file as shown below.

6. You should have internet download manager installed on your computer so that download start inside IDM. If you don't have IDM don't worry it will download directly.

Note: If you decide on to use Free transfer then you wont be able to transfer file of more then 1 GB .

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Add Smooth Scrolling Back To Top Button On Your Blog

I have already share with you guys tutorial on Adding Back To Top Button On Your Blog and also shared 16 Awesome Back To Top Buttons. In this tutorial i will share with you guys awesome jQuery smooth scrolling back to top button. This simple widget will enable your users to easily go back to top of your page with ease of a click. So lets add this simple and useful plugin to your blog together.
Adding jQuery Code (Optional)
1. If you have not already placed jQuery in your template then follow this steps or jump directly to next section of this tutorial.
2. Go to Template > Edit Html
3. Then Search for <head> by pressing CTRL + F
4. Paste below code just after the <head> Tag
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

How To Add jQuery Back To Top Button
1. Go to Blogger > Layout
2. Now click on Add Gadget and select Html/Javascript
3. Then Paste below code into it.
.mbw-back-to-top {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 2em;
    right: 10px;
    text-decoration: none;
    padding: 1em;
    display: none;
<img class="mbw-back-to-top" src="IMAGE URL" />
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    var offset = 220;
    var duration = 500;
    jQuery(window).scroll(function() {
        if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > offset) {
        } else { //
    jQuery('.mbw-back-to-top').click(function(event) {
        jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, duration);
        return false;
4. Now replace IMAGE URL with any image from below list or any of your choice.

16 Awesome Back To Top Buttons

16+ Awesome Back To Top Button For Blogger

I had previously posted on Adding Back Top Button  for bloggers blog. In this post i will share with you guys 16+ Cool and Awesome back to top button code for your blog or website. Back to button is simple and very small widget but is kind of very usefull for your blog readers. If users are browsing through number of post on your blog this widget will let them easily go back to top of the page with a click rather then scrolling to the top, which take some time. Choose any button from the code given below.

  How To Add Back To Top Button

Before selecting back to top button you need to know how to add this widget or plugin to your blog. In order to know more about this check out detailed tutorial given below.

Adding Back To Top Button On Your Blog
So after checking above tutorial you can move further on to this tutorial. Instead of code given in above tutorial you can use any of the codes given below. I have added image above every code so you can know how this button will look on your blog.

  Back To Top Button #1

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #2

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #3

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #4

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #5

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #6

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #7

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #8

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #9

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

   Back To Top Button #9

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #10

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #11

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #12

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #13

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #14

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #15

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

  Back To Top Button #16

<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=" "/></a><!>

How To Add Border Around Post Images On Blogger ?

Sometime you wish that there should be some style to your blog images like drop shadow or borders. In this simple tutorial i will teach you to add borders around your post images on blogger using few simple CSS Code. Lets do it!
Hot To Add Border Around Blog Images?
1. Go to Blogger > Template > Edit Html
2. Now search for ]]></b:skin>
3. Copy/Paste the following code just above ]]></b:skin>
.post img
     border:1px solid #e3e3e3;
     padding: 10px;
4. Save the template and you are done.
5. Make following changes to change style, color or size of the border.
Increase 1px to increase the width of border
change solid to dotted or dashed to change style of border
Replace #e3e3e3 to change border color
Remove border-radius: 10px; to remove the radius around the corners

Tips For Boosting Up Your Blog's Subscriber Base

Many beginners tend to underestimate the importance of building a strong subscriber base for their blogs. A successful blog isn’t just well written and well-presented content, its maintaining a dedicated and passionate subscriber base who would read your content and spread it across their own networks. Engaged readers provide long term and reliable traffic to your blog.

While there is no denying that building a loyal subscriber base can be a tricky and long process, it can be done with dedication and hard work by the bloggers. So those who do work on it need to do it right to make sure their time is well utilized. Today we take a look at 5 Tips to boost up your blog's subscriber base.

1. Give your readers a reason to subscribe

If someone visits your blog and sees a “Subscribe” button there, he/she should know exactly what they will get from subscribing to your blog. For example, if your blog is about Internet Marketing, you should have a text that says “covers all inbound marketing, SEO marketing and email marketing”. Giving your readers an incentive to subscribe is a plus that will push them to subscribe to your site. Everybody likes free stuff, so will your readers. Offer them an exclusive ebook or something relevant on a certain topic that was not covered in your posts in return for subscribing to the blog.

2. Simpler is better

It’s a basic rule of web design that your website should lead the user to the desired action in less than three clicks. In this case, the subscription process can be made as simple as one-click. Soon enough you’ll figure out that there are many people out there who are unfamiliar with the concept of RSS Feeds. Try explaining to them how it works and how wonderful it is. Then, of course, there are readers who simply don’t prefer RSS. In that case provide them with an alternative, most commonly, an email subscription to your blog.

3. Produce Quality Content
While it may be obvious, but no matter how great your marketing and subscription strategies for your blogs are, your readers will never return to you if they are not satisfied with the content. Try to find peak traffic times for your blog and post on those times to touch the as many readers as possible. If posting on those times is a problem for you, schedule your posts to be published, schedule your posts to be published on the specified timings. Write frequently and write well. That is the key concept.

4. Leverage Social Proof

People tend to follow the masses, its human nature. That remains true in case of blogging. You can make use of this to make people subscribe to your blog. While this scheme may not work particularly well for a newer blog, it can work handsomely for a blog with a decent number of subscribers. Display the number of subscribers your blog has next to the subscribe button. Not only does this boost their confident in your blog, but also pushes them to subscribe to a blog that is followed and trusted by many.

5. Use All Available Resources

Use your existing blogs, website, social media profiles to convince audience to subscribe to the blog. If you already have a subscriber base elsewhere, you can easily convince them to subscribe to the blog since they already enjoy your content. They might even recommend your RSS feed to others. Add social media sharing buttons to the blog posts. If your readers enjoyed a post, they can share it with their Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn networks and eventually some of them will end up subscribing to your blog. Let the readers do some work too.

6 Most Common Password Cracking Methods And Their Countermeasures

There are number of methods out their used by hackers to hack your account or get your personal information. Today in this post i will share with you guys 6 Most commonly used method to crack password and their countermeasures. You must check out this article to be safe and to prevent your online accounts from hacking.

1. BruteForce Attack

Any password can be cracked using Brute-force attack. Brute-force attacks try every possible combinations of numbers, letters and special characters until the right password is match. Brute-force attacks can take very long time depending upon the complexity of the password. The cracking time is determined by the speed of computer and complexity of the password.

Countermeasure: Use long and complex passwords. Try to use combination of upper and lowercase letters along with numbers. Brute-force attack will take hundreds or even thousands of years to crack such complex and long passwords.
Example: Passwords like "iloveu" or "password" can be cracked easily whereas computer will take years to crack passwords like "aN34lL00"

2. Social Engineering
Social engineering is process of manipulating someone to trust you and get information from them. For example, if the hacker was trying to get the password of a co-workers or friends computer, he could call him pretending to be from the IT department and simply ask for his login details. Sometime hackers call the victim pretending to be from bank and ask for their credit cards details. Social Engineering can be used to get someone password, to get bank credentials or any personal information.

Countermeasure: If someone tries to get your personal or bank details ask them few questions. Make sure the person calling you is legit. Never ever give your credit card details on phone.

3. Rats And Keyloggers

In keylogging or RATing the hacker sends keylogger or rat to the victim. This allows hacker to monitor every thing victim do on his computer. Every keystroke is logged including passwords. Moreever hacker can even control the victims computer.

Countermeasure: Never login to your bank account from cyber cafe or someone else computer. If its important use on-screen or virtual keyboard while tying the login. Use latest anti-virus software and keep them updated. Check out below article to know more about Rats and Keyloggers.

4. Phising
Phishing is the most easiest and popular hacking method used by hackers to get someone account details. In Phishing attack hacker send fake page of real website like facebook, gmail to victim. When someone login through that fake page his details is send to the hacker. This fake pages can be easily created and hosted on free web-hosting sites.

Countermeasure: Phishing attacks are very easy to avoid. The url of this phishing pages are different from the real one. For example URL of phishing page of facebook might look like (As you can see There are two "b"). Always make sure that websites url is correct.

5. Rainbow Table
A Rainbow table is a huge pre-computed list of hashes for every possible combination of characters. A password hash is a password that has gone through a mathematical algorithm such as md5 and is transformed into something which is not recognizable. A hash is a one way encryption so once a password is hashed there is no way to get the original string from the hashed string. A very commonly used hashing algorithm to store passwords in website databases is MD5. It is almost similar to dictionary attack, the only difference is, in rainbow tables attack hashed characters are used as passwords whereas in dictionary attack normal characters are used as passwords.

Example: ‘hello’ in md5 is 5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592 and zero length string ("") is d41d8c

New Awesome Youtube Missile Game Trick

I had previously share cool youtube tricks like watching 18+ youtube videos without signing in or Downloading youtube videos without any software. Today i will share an amazing trick that i came across we will call it youtube missile trick. Since google is celebrating geek week it introduced this trick.

How To Do ?
   1. Open youtube and click on any video you would like to play
   2. Pause the videol
   3. Now type 1980 and see the magic

Once you start this game missile will start coming from the top. The job of missile is to destroy the video. You can protect the video by firing back using your mouse.

Simple Trick To Convert A Webpage To PDF File

In this post i will teach a simple trick or browser feature that let you convert any web page into PSD file format, which might help you to read your favourite articles offline. So lets get started.

How To Save Web Page To PDF File ?
1. Open the Google Chrome Browser on your PC or MAC
2. Then go to the web page that you want to convert as a PDF.
3. Now press Ctrl+P on Windows PC or Command+P if you are on a Mac to Open the the Print dialog on Chrome Browser.
4. Now Change the destination to “Save As PDF” and hit the save button.
5. The current web page will instantly be downloaded as a PDF document.

Fraudsters Shall Not Pass - Simple Advices On How To Avoid Scammers In Social Networks

Social networks are always great for communicative people; they make you closer to your friends, relatives and hackers. Social networks are very attractive for such kind of people. You can ask me: “Why do they need that?” All they need is your account. The fraud schemes may be different. But the main aim of them is money. They can ask your relatives for help, especially when you’re far away. Why shouldn’t they believe their own child, when he needs money?

Fraudsters do not disdain playing on the heartstrings. They can write everything, that there’s an accident, you’re in a hospital, etc. So today we’ll study to confront fraudsters and keep our nerves and money safe.

The most people don’t think about possible risks when creating their profile on social networks. The more personal and professional information you give, the easier it is for fraudsters to rob you. Let us discuss the easiest scheme. Some criminals are simply searching for people living in the same city to plunder their houses. Why does it happen? Different people are writing perfect information, like “We’re going to visit California next weekends. Hoping it’ll be great” Of course it will be great. For the robber, because now he knows that the house will be empty during weekends and it’s the perfect opportunity for him.

The second thing is the photos. When you’re downloading images and photos on social networks not only your friends like them. It’s also the perfect resource for burglars. From home-made photos, they can receive information about your welfare and house structure. When you have a dog, the robber will be prepared, because everyone has photos with their home pets. That’s why we earnestly advise you not to put in the Internet photos of your house, and some things that can attract robbers, for instance your new car or a brilliant ring.
The next our advice – create a complicated password. We’ve just discussed what fraudsters can do with the access to your account, so try to protect yourself, your friends, and relatives as good as you can. Don’t make a password consisting of just your birth date. Remember, that it’s the first combination fraudsters try. Also, don’t put your birth date as the answer to the test question if it’s mail. Check out below article on password cracking.
6 Most Common Password Cracking Methods And Their Countermeasures
Let us imagine that you have a complicated password, you don’t download the “rob-attractive” photos and one day you receive the link from your friend where he asks you to vote for him. Stop now. This can be a trap. If you’ll link, the fraudsters receive your personal data, such as login and password. Such scheme is called “fishing”. So, in this case, ask your friend something personal. The other variant is just to make him a call and ask about this. If you’ll receive the answer like “What are you talking about?” you should explain him that he was hacked and offer to change the password. Check out below tutorial to know about popular hacking method used to acquire sensitive information about oneself.
What Is Phishing And How To Be Safe From Phishing ?
Phones are really helpful things. Explain to your friends and relatives that you can be hacked and if they receive messages with money requests, they must call you at first and ask about that. Remember that your security is in your hands and be careful.

How To Download APK Files Directly From Google Play?

Usually, people get apps for their android device by downloading them from Google Play Store. The downloader gets the app installed for you, without bothering you with unnecessary details like the files required for installation etc. But what if you don’t have access to internet and you want an app installed on your phone? Surely you can’t do so without downloading stuff required for the installation. The solution to this problem is simple - just get the APK package of the desired app, and keep it beforehand for later when you need.
APK stands for Android Package. It’s actually a package which contains all the files necessary for installation. In other words, it’s a ‘standalone’ installer for your app which doesn’t require internet connectivity. You can get APK package of an android application from Google Play Store by simply adding an extension called ‘APK Downloader’ to your Google browser. Here we have a step by step procedure which will tell you how to add APK Downloader to your Google Chrome and subsequently, use it for getting APK packages
Go to
Download the extension from the link provided above
Once downloaded, the extension is to be added to your Google Chrome Extensions. To do so, follow these steps.
Go to the ‘Tools’ menu of your Chrome and select ‘Extensions’.
Locate the file you just downloaded (with extension ‘.crx’)
Now drag the file to your Extensions page.
For confirmation look for a small Play Store icon on your address bar
To configure the APK Downloader extension for your android device
Select the ‘options’ button on the menu
Enter the Gmail ID (the one required for Play Store)
Enter your password and device ID of your android device

For those of you who don’t know where to get device ID of your android device
Dial  “*#*#8255#*#*” from your android phone
If you are using an android tablet
Go to Google Play Store
Download ‘Device ID’

Device ID will get your device ID for you.

Getting APK of an app is simple, just locate the app you want (on Play Store) and clicking on the APK icon on your address bar will get you your precious APK for that app. Another good thing about APK package is that it makes app sharing simple, now you can share an app with your friends by simply transferring the package to their device.

The APK and APK Downloader will make your life a lot easier if you face problems in installing your favorite apps due to connectivity issues or if you like to share your favorite apps with your friends.

Did you find this post useful? Did you have any problems? For any query, please ask in the comments section below. Cheers :)

Top 6 Websites To Learn Computer Programming Languages

Ever wanted to learn computer programming languages, but didn't know where to start? Well, those days are over. Today learning programming languages is not really a hard job. If you are a beginner and have aptitude to learn computer programming then you can accomplish this goal within a few months. Here are the top 6 websites, which are useful for learning programming.
If you are a beginner or intermediate programmer, then w3schools is an excellent website for learning programming. W3schools offer tutorials for a variety of web programming and scripting languages such as html, html5, css, asp, Ajax, JavaScript, php, jQuery etc. So, if you are into web development then w3schools would be a great learning resource.

If you want learn coding for making games, apps or websites using html/html5, css3, JavaScript python, but want an entertaining teaching resource. Then is ideal choice for you. was designed by keeping difficulty for beginners in mind. It provides a fun and interactive learning environment that is effective for all age groups. Even if you are an intermediate programmer, you might find some great learning stuff there.

Codeacademy is another great website, for learning languages like JavaScript, HTML/CSS, PHP, Python, and Ruby. You can even learn how to use some popular web APIs in your website or app.  Codeacademy has a great modern learning system, which is based on user interaction. It has full-fledged programming courses for beginners. Again, this website is great for beginners and intermediate learners. But advanced programmers can also find some pretty useful stuff there.

Tutorialspoint has tutorials for a lot of web, high level and scripting languages that are commonly used today. You can find tutorials for any computer language that you have ever heard of (those that are currently in used). Apart from that, it also features a variety of tutorials for other fields such as DIP, OS, SEO, Telecom, DBMS, and frameworks etc.  Some commonly used languages that you can learn there are: Java, C++, PHP, Python, Ruby, C#, Perl, VB.Net, ios.

Although, beginner programmers might find MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) a tough learning resource, it is still the best resource you can get, if you want to master Microsoft oriented languages such as VB.Net, C# etc. MSDN has great tutorials for beginners, intermediate and advance programmers.

But as I stated earlier, beginners might not be initially comfortable with MDSN, as I has really a lot of resources that it would be a hard time for beginners to find what they are looking for. But if you get used to MSDN, then it is the ideal learning point for Microsoft oriented languages. You can get a lot of sample applications, tutorials and resources that are uploaded by Microsoft and MSDN community. Since it’s a developer’s network, you can even find development help from community members.
You might already know about Lynda offers easy to follow video tutorials. is an old and well established tutoring site, if you are looking for video tutorials to learn computer languages, then Lynda is your ideal choice. Apart from programming languages, Lynda also offers tutorials for a variety of other fields such as 3D modeling, CAD, Photography etc. is an old and well established tutoring site.

So the next time someone asks you about your computer skills, you know where to turn. I hope you will learn a lot from these websites. All the best :)

Monday 23 February 2015

Awesome Guest Author Info Widget For You Blog

Guest blogger plays important role on your blog when you don't have enough time. But no one serves you when they get nothing in return. Well you can reward your precious guest blogger by displaying their bio along with a link to their blog, website or any other social links like Google+, twitter etc. In this post i will share with you a widget which will allow you to display author bio below their post .

Editing Code For Guest Author Widget

1. Go to Blogger > Template > Edit Html
2. Now search for ]]></b:skin>
3. Copy/Paste following code just above ]]></b:skin>

/****MBW Guest Blogger Widget*****/
.mbw-author-box {
background: #f6e4db;
margin: 5px 0 20px 0;
padding: 12px;
border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;
box-shadow:2px 2px 1px #e3e3e3;
overflow: hidden;
color: #3b3b3b;
font-size: 14px;
font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Verdana;
line-height: 1.6em;
.mbw-author-box p {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
.mbw-author-box img {
background: #FFFFFF;
float: left;
margin: 0 10px 0 0;
padding: 5px;
border: 3px solid #e3e3e3;

4. Save the template.
5. The major part is done, now every time you publish a guest post just follow this simple steps given below to add guest author widget.

How To Add Guest Author Bio Inside Blog Post?
1. After writing your guest post go to html section of your blog post by clicking on HTML beside Compose as show in the image below.

2. Now paste the following code at the end of html code (Below the last html Tag in the HTML Section)

<div class="mbw-author-box">
<img alt="author-pic" height="85" src="IMG" width="85" /> <strong>About Guest Blogger</strong><br />Here Goes Details about your guest author</div>

Replace IMG with your guest author image url
Change Here Goes Details about your guest author to the details about your guest author.
If you have any query or have problem implementing this widget to your blog leave a comment below i will be happy to help you out.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Opening Number Of Websites Using Python

So you just started in python programming, and want to prank your arch nemesis. Here i will teach you how to open any website on his computer using python.

Before you begin download and install python from Here

Step 1:
open notepad and type

import webbrowser

In python the "import" statement is used to add a module to your project. In this case we want to add the webbrowser module.

Step 2:'http://SITE HERE!.com')

This is calling the open function on your default web browser. You pass it an url in the form of a string.

Possible usages:
You can add as many websites as you want like show below'')'')
url = "";

The complete code will look something like below
import webbrowser'')'')'')'')

Step 3

Save the file as
Enjoy pranking your friends and if you wish to learn more programming then check out our article below.

How Does The Free Services And Softwares Can Cost High?

Of course it is awesome to get something totally free of cost, isn’t it? But are you aware that the free thing can cost you much more in near future. How? Let us study. Many of the service and softwares are sold free of cost just to populate it in a large number of people. Some ‘business minded’ individuals thought that it would be ‘cool’ to add some advertisements to such applications to earn money. As ‘Excess of anything is bad’, too much of greed and rise in difficulty in advertising led to the birth of adware and spyware.
Adware is type of malware, which misleads, corrupts and harasses the users by popping out unwanted or irrelevant advertisements. They sometimes consist of viruses and Trojans. While the spywares, justifying its name, spies on the user’s activities and online behaviour and reports to the concerned person.
How bad they can be?
Adwares and spywares being malware can affect you and your website or system to a greater extent.
They can help intruders add viruses and Trojans into website and system.
They can help other malwares to be injected into your website and system.
Can slow down your website/system’s performance.
Clashes with other softwares and tools.
Help hackers gain access to your credentials.
Can result in to theft of your valuable data and sometimes even money.
If you are an adware-spyware victimized website, you may become the source of spreading the viruses and Trojans and hence can get blacklisted and ultimately can lose reputation.
How can you prevent being a victim?
Now, that you aware regarding the ill-effects of the adwares and spywares, you should be cautious while exploring the Internet.

Following points will help you keep a safe distance from adwares and spywares:

Avoid visiting on suspicious website: Don’t get into those websites which is not trustworthy or is famous or experienced as a spreader of malwares. Stay away from Piracy; often the pirated softwares contain viruses and Trojans (avoid sites like warez).
Don’t click on the pop-ups and other ads: Never get drifted away by the pop-ups and ads especially those asking “click here” or “Yes or No” even asked while installing the software.
Give a little test to pass: Softwares like Spychecker can help you out to find whether the software you are going to install is bugged with a spyware or not.
Secure your system: Install anti-virus softwares and keep them updated. They will help you around detecting the viruses and Trojans and will also help remove them.
Use Firewall: Firewall helps prevent entry of hackers and will always ask permission before allowing any traffic to enter. As in the case of Adware and spyware they definitely need to deliver their information collected and with Firewall on, you can successfully stop them doing so.
Scan your website/system: Get a malware/adware/spyware scanner installed. Scanning will not only help you detect the injected malicious substance but also removes them, if found any. Ad-Aware is one such program.
Security is very sensitive matter for both the IT service providers and users. One should proceed very carefully. As for the IT service providers like software publishers, website owners, e-commerce website owners, e-mails service providers and so on should install SSL certificate for better performance and uninterrupted growth.

For users, well, always look for two symbols “https” and a green padlock in the address bar. Download softwares from the real authors only and stop propagating piracy.

Android App Development – A Blessing For Diversified Business Needs

The adoption of rapidly expanding mobile technology across the world has facilitated several businesses to manage their jobs with ease and maintain a superior presence in the marketplace. Many businesses have reaped its benefits for boosting their productivity and delivering outstanding performance.

Observing the current stats and analytics, it can be said that Android is the most popular and admired platform in the mobile realm. It has evolved over the years and interestingly blossomed into a top leading mobile OS with the consistent support of Google that helps keep it updated with the latest technicalities and development.

Since Android Application Development Services being a free, open-source mobile platform encourage developers to conveniently contribute to the Android development and enhance its features with superior and advanced functionalities. There are over 1 million Android apps in the Google Play store, around 71% mobile developers are contributing in its development and more than 1 billion active Android users; hence, it can be depicted that how huge is the customer base of this platform. It thus, allows businesses to easily target a wider group of audiences and promote their products and services.

There are truckloads of Android applications that are created to meet certain objectives; it includes the application catering the need of numerous domains like:

For Entertainment: There are fun applications, gaming apps, media apps, etc.
For smart Education: There are apps to support e-learning and smart classrooms, etc.
For Businesses: There are enterprise applications either for better inter-resource relationship, improved productivity, easy client management, enhanced performance, or simply for marketing business products and services, etc.
As far as business apps are considered, Android apps can serve and improve the value of diversifies business verticals including travel, tourism, stores, hotels, schools, and many more. Many businesses have headed towards these efficient platforms to endeavours their organizational goals and pave the path towards their success.
Popular Android Phone Trends for Cell Phone Watchers
Let's have a look at how Android has proven to be beneficial for numerous business domains.
1. For educational institutions:

Android has defined education beyond classrooms with its utile features. There are innumerable mobile users who are looking for a proficient method to execute Smart education. And for this reason, several schools and colleges have adopted sharing student info via some web based or application based system.

It not only offers easy access to the information across but also facilitates the students with expert's guidance and support to solve their queries 24x7. You provide embed appropriate presentations, lecture videos to allow students to easily grab the information.

2. For Enterprises:
Whether you want your employees to manage the project with efficient tools or want to create a reliable and worthy customer relationship, developing a suitable Android application is a viable choice. You may integrate Sap for easier billing process or can create an app for monetization and attracting potential consumers by marketing products and services of the business. You can reap great benefits to your business by developing an efficient application.

3. For Hotels:

Today, most of the travellers, carry their handy Smartphones and love to browse for the information on the go. They want to access the information as and when desired; this is why, the hospitality industry is seeking the benefits of Android development to ensure better services and convenient access to the required info to their potential customers.

With the instantaneous and updated information, travellers will be able to make last minute bookings anytime and anywhere; and thus, you can ensure an increased number of customers while building a better customer relationship to garner improved customer satisfaction. Accentuate your hotel visibility to millions of Smartphone users with applications.

4. For Restaurant:

Improve your restaurant visibility, attract customers and accentuate your profits. Yes, you can accomplish all these at once, by developing an efficient Android application that users can use to easily, get your restaurant menu, map to locate it, contact info, etc. It thus will help numerous loyal and potential customers get the requisite data conveniently from a handy device on the go.

5. For Retailers or other stores:
People are moving to the online store as they are offering the users to shop with the comfort of their home or on the go. Creating an attractive, highly functional and user-friendly application can help you increase the sales and profits of your brick-and-mortar store with ease. Mobile apps can allow you to reach your potential customers to ensure quick purchase and easy profits.

Developing an appropriate, innovative and functional application can efficiently cater the needs of businesses (for other diverse domains). Seek an expert Android developer and create a lucrative and unique application to endeavors your organizational goals with ease.

Saturday 21 February 2015

Cool Smiley Add-on For Facebook Chat

Today i will show you an amazing Google add-on for facebook smileys. This will let you use smileys easily in your facebook chat. I loved this addon hope you also like it. Follow below steps to get it now.
Add Facebook Smiley Add-On
Go to Facebook addon Link
Now click on Add to chrome
Done !!!

Keyboard Shortcuts For Facebook

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking site where most of us spend hours chatting and surfing on facebook. So here are some usefull facebook keyboard shortcuts for Google chrome and Mozilla Firefox users.

Mozilla Firefox
Shift+Alt+1: View your News Feed
Shift+Alt+2: View your own Profile
Shift+Alt+3: View pop-up of friend requests
Shift+Alt+4: View pop-up of messages
Shift+Alt+5: View pop-up of notifications
Shift+Alt+6: View Account Settings
Shift+Alt+7: View Privacy Settings
Shift+Alt+8: View Facebook’s own profile
Shift+Alt+9: Read latest Terms of Service agreement.
Shift+Alt+0: Open Facebook Help Center
Google Chrome
Alt+1: View your News Feed
Alt+2: View your own Profile
Alt+3: View pop-up of friend requests
Alt+4: View pop-up of messages
Alt+5: View pop-up of notifications
Alt+6: View Account Settings
Alt+7: View Privacy Settings
Alt+8: View Facebook’s own profile
Alt+9: Read latest Terms of Service agreement.

Facebook Status update trick

          This is an amazing facebook trick which you would love to use. So the trick is to update your status with name of any app like Nasa, Iphone 5, HTC etc. Still confused just follow below instruction and clear your mind.

       1. First Login to your Facebook account.
       2. Copy below link into address bar as shown in the below picture.    api_key=XXXXXXXXX&target_id=YYYYYYYYYY

       3. In place on XXXX put api key given in below list and in place of YYYY put profile id of
           person where you want to publish your message.
       4. Now you will be redirected to new screen as above enter your message and done.

Skynet (249284985083592)
iPhone (6628568379)
Blackberry (2254487659)
Palm (7081486362)
Sidekick (21810043296)
Sony Ericsson (38125372145)
Xbox LIVE (5747726667)
iPad (112930718741625)
Foursquare (86734274142)
Telegram (140881489259157)
Carrier Pigeon (130263630347328)
Morse Code (134929696530963)
Message in a Bottle (123903037653697)
Commodore 64 (138114659547999)
Your moms computer (132386310127809)
TRS-80 (134998549862981)
K.I.T.T. (129904140378622)
Mind Computer Interface (121111184600360)
eyePhone (110455835670222)
toaster (203192803063920)
microwave (0a5266c8844a1b09211e7eb38242ac2f)
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (235703126457431)
Gameboy Color (180700501993189)
GoD (256591344357588)
Glade Air Freshner (4aeb4db2e8df1cdb7f952b2269afb560)
Strawberry (a4c9fb1708a848c2241674531176209b)
The moon (221826277855257)
Dr. Pepper (eea90d40e1d12565695dbbbdbd5e965b)
Nintendo wii (243870508973644)
Alcohol (250335888312118)
Cheese (218791271497130)
iPod Nano (142039005875499)
Nintendo 64 (236264753062118)
Microsoft Excel (242740155751069)
Linux Ubuntu (220593361311050)
iPhone 5g (211333348912523)
My Bedroom (174811032586879)
Your Mums Bedroom (5f64bbc9ac2f12b983200925da461322)
Lamp (230755826955133)
Your moms anus (b625297b655f0b46c86b68f754b82121)
Refrigerator (250828364944350)
A potato (127926427295267)
Nasa Satellite (31d608d30292175bf7703149699ccb39)
Vibrator (eb4c6d1a60e19a7795da501e1f468035)
Sperm Whale (170318539700306)
Pogo Stick (185103391549701)
Banana Phone (1477a4cd29ec724a3de19be5d26e0389)
Google+ (4d8243dbb7064f88351fe6c809582320)
The Future (108372819220732)
Smoke Signal (134138923334682)
tin cans connected by string (242191299125647)
Pokedex (de3da265cf6976745bb1d60a8c198151)
Telepathy (ea01a57edb26cf1de143f09d45cfa913)
Typewriter (d3d554bf60297cb2c384e3d7cf5a066d)
Harry Potter (b8ebeb983f45eaa0bd5f4f66cad97654)
TARDIS (200439256674396)
Pip Boy (142806259133078)
Mind Control (1dc633368924b3b0b4d08e3f83230760)
Jedi Mind Control (240597869302110)
Telekinesis (224139600960217)
Post-It Note (115227201900831)
GLaDOS (246126362083515)
Ansible (185474028180003)
W.O.P.R (228373497202865)
Airwolf (123944137696757)
HMCS Belafonte (222345601140304)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (60280877509)  

Enable facebook HTTPS

                This is old trick but still if you are not aware of this then this is for you. Facebook has added new feature to browse it securely but is not set by default. Facebook has changed without any notification.Take a look at your URL (top box on your screen.). If you see "http" or just "www" instead of "https" you DO NOT have a secure session & can be hacked.To secure your facebook account just follow the below Steps.

       1. Go to Account
       2. Then Account Settings
       3. Then click on Security
       4. Check box (secure browsing)
       5. Click on Save changes.

Simple Trick To Find Facebook Profile ID

In my previous post i have posted about Facebook status update trick in which we use profile id, but what if  person got username. So this is the trick which will let you get profile id of any person who got custom username. Check below image and see how URL of  facebook profile looks before and after custom username.
How To Get Facebook Profile Id ?

In case of Profile ID before custom username you can easily identify it by looking at Profile URL, But in case of profile with custom username its not same. Below are simple steps to find Profile ID having custom username.
Go to the profile you want to find Profile ID
That URL will look like this
Change that URL to

New Awesome Facebook Chat Trick

          Facebook has recently made changes to its chat features. Now we can use profile images in chat. You can even type anything in colour using a simple trick. You just need to know how to get facebook profile id which you will learn by reading this article Trick to find facebook profile id. Below are codes of A-Z and guide on how to use them in chat.

       1. How to use facebook profile images in chat ?
To use profile images in chat Enter this ==> [[username]]
In place of username enter username of person whose image you want to show in chat.
If u will enter c00lhacks this will show image of my page.

       2. Codes of A-Z for Facebook chat.
Below are codes of A-Z which you can use in facebook chat. You can create your on words with this codes. I will demonstrate how to do that .
[[107015582669715]]  = A
[[116067591741123]]  = B
[[115602405121532]]  = C
[[112542438763744]]  = D
[[115430438474268]]  = E
[[109225112442557]]  = F
[[111532845537326]]  = G
[[111356865552629]]  = H
[[109294689102123]]  = I
[[126362660720793]]  = J
[[116651741681944]]  = K
[[115807951764667]]  = L
[[106596672714242]]  = M
[[108634132504932]]  = N
[[116564658357124]]  = O
[[111669128857397]]  = P
[[107061805996548]]  = Q
[[106699962703083]]  = R
[[115927268419031]]  = S
[[112669162092780]]  = T
[[108983579135532]]  = U
[[107023745999320]]  = V
[[106678406038354]]  = W
[[116740548336581]]  = X
[[112416755444217]]  = Y
[[165724910215]]        = Z
      3. How to use this codes ?
First think wat word you want to create then pick up codes of that alphabate from above codes
Let us create hi . So pick up codes of H and I .
After that enter this in chat box  [[111356865552629]]  [[109294689102123]]
Make sure there is space in between any two codes or else it will not work.
      4. Some Cool Facebook tricks.
Below are two codes to show Happy New year you can use any one of them
[[124641767652266]] [[124642810985495]] [[124643044318805]] [[124643044318805]] [[124643487652094]] [[124642300985546]] [[124644090985367]] [[124644404318669]] [[124644567651986]] [[124642300985546]] [[124643487652094]] [[124644404318669]] [[124642810985495]] [[124645367651906]] [[124642300985546]] [[124645977651845]] [[124646247651818]] [[124646574318452]] [[124645977651845]] [[124642300985546]]


[[337992182896839]] [[225777904163650]] [[244015585667152]] [[244015585667152]] [[319152701438185]] [[188142511282558]] [[319977728035866]] [[316759491692170]] [[139287272851910]] [[188142511282558]] [[319152701438185]] [[316759491692170]] [[225777904163650]] [[337598512918963]] [[188142511282558]] [[141281852650929]] [[268263169900550]] [[191790684249921]] [[141281852650929]]

Enter below codes to show Cool Hacking Tricks
[[115602405121532]] [[116564658357124]] [[116564658357124]] [[115807951764667]]    [[111356865552629]] [[107015582669715]] [[115602405121532]] [[116651741681944]] [[109294689102123]] [[108634132504932]] [[111532845537326]]     [[112669162092780]] [[106699962703083]] [[109294689102123]] [[115602405121532]] [[116651741681944]] [[115927268419031]]
This way you can create your own words your name .

Paste blank Status on Facebook

       Today i will show you simple Facebook Trick how to publish single line or multiple line blank status on facebook. You can also use this method in facebook comments. So lets get started.

For single line Blank Status
Copy below codes into your status
@[0:0: ]
Note:- the text is like @[0:0:space]
Don't write space where i have written space rather press spacebar.
For MultiLine Blank Status :
Paste as shown below in your status.
@[0:0: ]
@[0:0: ]
@[0:0: ]
@[0:0: ]
@[0:0: ]
@[0:0: ]
Note there is space after 0:
Another method
Paste below codes into facebook status
@[2:2: ]
Done ! subscribe below for such great posts.

New Facebook Smiley Codes for Chat

In my previous facebook post i had posted about Facebook Chat Trick and Facebook smiley addon. In this post i will share with you guys some new facebook smiley codes which you can paste in your chat box to get cool smiley faces like angel, gift, love, angry, laugh, wine etc. check the codes below.

Code For Facebook Smileys

[[f9.heartbreak ]]
[[f9.devilface] ]

Posting Facebook Status Upside Down

In this tutorial i will share with you simple facebook status trick. If you want to post something creative or something cool as your facebook status then this trick will let you post any facebook status upside down. Basically this is a website which allows you to flip your text. so lets dive into it.

How To Do ?
First GoTo FlipText Website by Clicking Here.
Enter you message or text in text area and click on Flip.
Copy the upside down text and paste it in your facebook status or where ever you want to use it.

Blocking Facebook On Your Computer

I had previously posted about Blocking And Unblocking any websites on your computer. In this tutorial i will teach you to specifically block facebook on your computer. This might be helpfull if you want to prevent students from using facebook in school and colleges or your employees in office. If you are parent and don't want you child to use facebook or any other particular site then follow simple steps given below. So lets get started.
How To Block Facebook ?
1. Go to Start > Programmes > Accesories
2. Then Right click on Notepad and Run it as administrator.
3. Now open host file by clicking on File > Open and locate to following address


4. Then just below # localhost paste folowing code

# Blocking Facebook

5. Now save the host file and done.
6. Open any browser and try to open facebook. It won't open. If facebook opens then you might have done somthing wrong. (let me know if you face any problem)

Blocking Other Website
If you want to block website other then facebook then change facebook address with whatever website you want to block. For example: to block google paste following code below # localhost

# block google

Block Facebook On Your Computer In Few Simple Steps

I had previously posted about Blocking Facebook on your computer but many users were facing difficulties doing that. So In this tutorial i will share with you guys an amazing programme or small little tool that will allow you block facebook on your computer easily in just few simple steps. So lets get started
How To Use Facebook Blocker ?
1. First download Facebook Blocker by Clicking Here
  2. Extract the file and right click on Facebook Blocker.exe and run it as administator (Important)
  3. Press 1 in order to  backup your host file to be on the safe side.

  4. Now Press 2 to block facebook
  5. Its time to check if facebook is blocked or not to do that Press 5
  6. Hope this help you if you have any question leave a comment below.

How To View Facebook Private Profile Photo In Large Size ?

Sometime you want to see clear image of someone on facebook who might not be your friend but his/her privacy setting stop you from doing this. In this tutorial i will teach you to view facebook private  or locked profile picture in large size with very simple trick.

How To View Facebook Locked Profile Picture ?
1. Open the facebook profile of person whose profile picture is locked or is set to private.
2. Right click on the profile picture and click on Copy Image Url as shown in image below.

3. Open that image in new tab by  right clicking and selecting Paste (CTRL + V)
4. Now change the value of image size highlighted below which might be s160x160 to s720x720 (If its not clear try (s320x320)

5. The image will enlarge in size. This trick does not always work.