it is very easy to create local (volume) disk.You can create disk by following these steps:
step:1- First go on desktop
step:2- Right click on my computer and it show a list.
step:3- In the list there was an option named ''Manage''. click on it. as shown in the figure.
step:4- After cliking it open computer management.on the left side of computer management there was a option named "Storage"click on it.
step:5- In storage option there was a option named "Disk Management" click on it.
step:6- After click on it. it open a dailog box.
step:7- If it show unlocatted memory you can create disk.right click on unlocated memory .it show a option new simple volume. click on it.
step:12- Right click on the drive which you want to shink.a option list appear. click on shrink volume and enter the amount you want to shrink.
step:13- Unlocated memory has been folow the step-6 to step-9 and you can make you drive.
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step:1- First go on desktop
step:2- Right click on my computer and it show a list.
step:3- In the list there was an option named ''Manage''. click on it. as shown in the figure.
step:4- After cliking it open computer management.on the left side of computer management there was a option named "Storage"click on it.
step:5- In storage option there was a option named "Disk Management" click on it.
step:6- After click on it. it open a dailog box.
step:7- If it show unlocatted memory you can create disk.right click on unlocated memory .it show a option new simple volume. click on it.
step:8- After clicking, a dailog box was appeared and follow the steps that was given in the dailog box.
step:9-After following the steps that was given in the dailog box. click on finish and your drive is ready to store data.
step:10-If it does not show any unlocated memory. there is no space in your computer to create a local disk. Means your computer have drives which takes all the memory.
step:11-First you shrink the drives which create unlocated memory. to shrink drive please follow the step-1 to step-5 .
step:12- Right click on the drive which you want to shink.a option list appear. click on shrink volume and enter the amount you want to shrink.
step:13- Unlocated memory has been folow the step-6 to step-9 and you can make you drive.
you can read our amazing blog on facebook.
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