Sunday 1 March 2015

Funny Prank(s) (With VBS)

Other than pancakes and doing things that other people can't, pranking people is pretty fun. This Instructable combines two of the previously mentioned things (sorry guys, no pancakes). With the wonderful powers of programming, you can play the most sneaky and hilarious pranks on your friends. A few things are required to pull this prank.
1) A computer
2) Half a brain (more or less)
3) A friend who
        a. Has a computer
        b. Isn't very good with computers
        c. Has a sense of humor and won't react badly to pranks.
If you fit these criteria, you've got what it takes to pull some hilarious pranks that will leave you (and hopefully your friend) laughing.


While an actual knowledge of how to make VBS files is not necessary, you do need to know how to save one. Most of you probably know, but I'll do a recap anyway.
right-click>open a new text document>file>save as>change *.txt to all files>save as prank.vbs
For this prank to work best, your friend can't be too computer savvy. So if your friend knows about stuff like VBS or other computer languages, it probably wouldn't be as funny. Also, this prank works best if your friends user on his Windows (yes, Windows is necessary) computer doesn't have a password. But even if your friend's user does have a password, variations on the prank will work.

Since this is a programming prank, actual programming is required (duh). This is a VBS prank, so the code required for this isn't quite as complex as it could be (seeing how it's a fairly simple prank). I went over how to save a VBS file in the previous step. This is the code:
x=MsgBox("You've been hacked *your friend's name here*!",4144,"Haha!")
x=MsgBox("Preparing virus",4144,"WARNING!")
x=MsgBox("Do you want the virus to activate?",4132,"VIRUS ACTIVATION")
x=MsgBox("Did you really think that would work?",4132,"HOW DUMB ARE YOU?")
x=MsgBox("Virus activating...",4144,"YOUR DOOM DRAWS NEAR!!!")
x=MsgBox("Just joking!",4144,"YOU'VE BEEN PRANKED!!!")

If you understand VBS, you know what this does. But this isn't the only way to use VBS. The prank uses the same basic concept of text boxes to scare your friend, but the way you implement it and the text is subject to change. The next two steps show you how to do this.

Using the code in the previous step, you can fool your friends in a bunch of ways. This step will not only tell you how to pull off these pranks.

The Startup:
This method will only work on people who don't have passwords on their user accounts.This is what you do:
        1. Go into your friends account.
        2. Hit start
        3. Go to all programs
        4. Find the "Startup" folder and right-click on it
        5. Copy and paste (or move) the VBS file into the folder (copying is recommended since it let's you save a copy just in case something goes wrong.
        6. The next time your fiend logs into their account, the prank will appear.

The Startup is my favorite way to play this prank since it's almost foolproof. Unfortunately, it requires a friend who is not good with computers and doesn't know how to set a password (or just chooses not to) and a lot of luck. Here are a few ways this could go:


Friend: This is my computer.
You: Great! Why don't you type in your password and we can watch a couple of videos!
Friend: Not necessary dude, I don't really know how to set a password.
You: Oh... *smirks*
Friend: Oh! Hold on a sec, I'll go get some snacks, don't log in until I get back! *runs off*
You: *goes on computer and types like the wind*/*suavely takes out flash drive and inserts it into computer* *accesses startup folder* *logs off*
Friend: *walks into room with snacks* I'm back, let's watch!
You: Hold on sec, I've gotta go to the bathroom, login while I'm gone.
Friend: Okay, down the hall, the second one on the right!
You: *rushes off, smirking* *returns a minute or two later*
Friend: *laughing* Wow man, that was a good one up top!

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